You may wonder what do you actually get, when you book a session? What goes on behind the scenes. When you make an enquiry the things get put in motion. It starts with checking the diary to

ensure availability (dungeon diary, social diary, your availability etc). Once the booking has been put in place and we have the date & time down, we plan the session.
What fetishes have you requested, what are we planning to wear, what equipment will be used, what music will be played. Do we need additional preparations and considerations to be taken into account.
The day before there may be additional personal preparations taking place (these you can guess you pervert :P).
On the session day, we prepare the outfit and anything else we may need, pack and head to the dungeon. We then set things up in preparation for your arrival. Only then there is the session taking place (however long you book for).
After session we clean the place up, including disinfecting everything. Pack up. We clean our outfits and put away any additional equipment. Then we get in touch to check in on you and your feelings about the session. We also reflect on what happened and what we take from the experience.
You may think your tribute pays for the time you spend in the dungeon. In fact, it pays for hours of our work - before, during and after the time you spend with us.